!! used as default html header if there is none in the selected theme. Writing e-mails

Writing e-mails --- Introduction ---

This module consists of 10 exercises exercices whose aim is to teach and practise the language used in e-mails. For optimal progression it is preferable to do the exercises in alphabetical order as many exercises build on language practised in previous ones.

C - Abbreviations used in e-mails

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F - Formal or informal?

  1. :

J - Homework: Writing an email

Write an e-mail to order 10 Dell PCs for your company. Say by when you need the PCs to be delivered. You would like the company to send you its latest catalogue as well.

Imagine the reply e-mail to yours and write it as well.

H - E-mails

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G - Rewrite the informal sentences

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A - Structure of an email

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I - Test yourself

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E - Write the sentences

D - Typical sentences in e mails

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B - Vocabulary for business e-mails

The most recent version

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