!! used as default html header if there is none in the selected theme. Listening tasks for business English: Plug-in cars and auto industry

Listening tasks for business English: Plug-in cars and auto industry --- Introduction ---

This module actually contains 3 listening exercises for business English in several steps. For each exercise the order should be respected for best results. The gapfill exercises come in two versions. The recordings are from the Voice of America website. The exercises can provide preparation for the BULATS (Cambridge ESOL) examination.They could also be used for preparing the BEC exams.
The three following exercises have been put in the same module for thematic reasons:
  1. Plug-in cars -compound nouns for lead in;
  2. Plug-in cars - for oral comprehension;
  3. The auto industry - for oral comprehension.

3. Listening for general understanding

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1. Prep. for listening: compound nouns

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2. Listening for general understanding

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The most recent version

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